Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Hope of Change

Change. I hear this word over and over again, even find myself almost 'chanting 'it.

Change the word just springs forward out of every mouth involved in an earnest conversation.

Change, grabs my attention from a paragraph that I' reading, sprinkled throughout my Pastor's message, and even most recently like an oasis in the desert,promised by a dynamic Presidential candidate.

I need change like I need water. It's just that important, just that vital.

As the beads of sweat roll down the side of my face from a way to hot office, I welcome the change that is just on the horizon, freeing me to build my my own dreams, my own business where I can control the temperature.

I think about how much I have changed. I can see it more than ever now and even say that I've changed without looking at what still needs changing and marinating in that yucky "I'm not good enough mode"

I feel determined and bold to make change happen, not just in my life but in the lives of those sent to me to 'coach' and assist to make change happen.

I can do this. I can make change happen, I can call those things that be not as though they were, I can watch my thoughts, I can walk in the Spirit of Love and self-control and I can really TRUST Yahweh to do His work of change in me.

When I think back even just five years ago, I remember how change unnerved me. I really didn't like change even though I acted as though I did. I become depressed when Summer turned to Fall.

I hid my fear of change, that fear made me miserable and and quite honestly kept me from progressing.

Getting older, however, has a way making necessary changes happen. There may be a pep in your step, and you may be wearing the 'youth of the eagles' on your face but your Spirit knows that you're just standing in one place marking time and your realize that you either have to go with the flow of change or just die living a mediocre life.

Change is good even when it hurts, the other side of change is cool, the other side of change is a blessing, the other side of change is hope, from hope we can move further into faith and with faith we CAN move mountains.

Change does the mind, body and Spirit good!