Saturday, January 12, 2008


Suddenly it hits me, like I haven't know this before, I have much to be grateful for.
At this moment I'm swimming in gratitude.
Grateful to be painfree, alive, meeting the mercy that's new every morning.
It's been said, that which does not kill us makes us stronger.
I'm alive therefore I'm stronger!
I look at my Mom and I'm bowled over by her strength, her faith, the capacity of her gratitude in the face of the numerous challenges that has hit her life.
I'm humbled and propelled to face my own physical challenges fortified with a newfound mix of faith, strength and gratitude.
I'm breathing, I can see, hear and pray, I'm still standing. Celebrating "above groundness"
I am blessed and not cursed.
"This is my comfort and consolation in my affiction that Your Word has revived me and given me life." - (Psalm 119:50)
Meditating the Word restores my gratitude.
"I am rooted, established, strong, immovable and determined." - (1 Peter 5:9)
Let me say it once again, I'm grateful!


Yadira said...

Amen and amen!! I love this :)

Rachael426 said...

I'm tagging you to do the 7 Random Facts entry I just completed on my blog: